Saturday, September 27, 2008


the rebonding process

what girls would do for the sake of that elusive something called...."beauty".

yesterday i had bonding moments with my girlfriends cum housemates at the salon to have our hair done.

we started at 1:30pm until 6:30pm, lorie and i had our hair rebonded while marianne and bernie had the hot oil treatment (they had their hair rebonded weeks ago).

let me explain to you the complicated process of rebonding....a guy friend from facebook asked yesterday "isnt rebonding about relationships?". Its funny.... you can almost consider it as such...because it took such a long time to'll probably end up developing a closer relationship with your hair dresser...ha ha ha Anyway, this is how its done:

First the apply something from the roots of your hair until maybe about mid lenght and cover it with plastic. You have to stay that way for hours..mine took 2.

Then they open the plastic and check your hair...pulling a few strands ...i dont know what this is for...but it seems as if they are gauging the elasticity of your hair.

Then they put white stuff again on your hair from mid length to ends and then they wash it.

Afterwards they dry your hair, in my case the salon was so busy i had to dry it myself with mariannes help.

When the hair is dry already, they press it little by little with the hair press...aww this is painful...its hot and it feels as if theyre pulling my hair out im going to loose all of it.

After this, they rest your hair for a few minutes to cool it, then they put another white something on it, from roots to ends and then, they comb it straight all the way from top to bottom. They leave this white stuff in for 30-45 mins before rinsing it.

Once rinsed, they blow dry again...and then press it again. Then they trim it a little ...just a snip here and there..

All in all, my hair took 5 hours... i was the last to finish among us 4. This is the finish product... can you even tell the difference?

the 4 of us at the fish roundabout intersection... from left marianne, me, lorie and bernie

dinner at chowking, algurair...well 5 hours can make you really really hungry...

but the most difficult part is not that is not being to able to wash your hair for 3 days...whaaaat?? how am i going to survive that?

side note : i was able to practice my mandarin at the saloon because all the hairdressers are chinese...i think theyre from taiwan. it was fulfilling to see the look on her face when i said... "shui de hen re" (the water is hot) while she was washing my hair.


...and for you!...

"love ia the one who masters all things."

Mawlãnã Rumi.
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