Tuesday, November 21, 2006


stalking activities

finally...i can see some light on my stalking activities...if you can call it that..LOL!

im actually stalking somebody in friendster...yes its a boy...and yes he's someone i know and knows me in return. anyway i've bookmarked his page for a year now and since then i havent seen any change, until recently where he made some new friends...although his status is still "in a relationship" (...it would be quite interesting to know with whom, though--mind boggling stuff)

maybe i should change my view profile status from "anonymous" to visible so ill know if someone's stalking me to...nah...id rather not know...LOL!

anyway im glad to know he's still alive and seems to be doing well...whoever you are..and if youre reading this...i sincerely hope youre okey.

Friday, November 03, 2006


a corner

im sharing a picture of a corner of my office desk...and the weird stuff in it that is sooo me:
- my plant named "shin goon" is there...getting bigger and bigger everyday..before you know it he'll turn into a tree right before my very eyes.
- my "smile" stickers...well i put them everywhere on my phone on my lapt top on my table, on my mouse...and sometimes when i feel really naughty i put them on my chrush's replicator.
- my spiderman marvel mug which i bought last christmas at market market...what a bargain! yee!
- my QR award...naks....i want to thank the academy...blah blah blah..
- my KL magnet..given by Evar...actually... i used a little force so he would give it to me
- and last but not the least....is it a plane? is it a bird....its...."rain" ...inside the picture frame i got free from a 7-11 store in hongkong..isnt he cute??...damyong damyong niga....for those of you who havent bouht his 4th album yet...well do buy..its a good cd...thanks bambs for convincing me..

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