Friday, June 30, 2006


at last after 13 years

i havent done it in quite a while, 13 years to be exact...the last time it happend, i was still in college...i never thought it would happen to a level headed person such as myself...but it did, because last friday...i got mind numbing, world spinning, hearth pounding, gut puking drunk!

it started as an innocent relaxing night out with my officemates at our house... a guitar, a couple of song book, roasted chickens, bbq, cigars..a few bottles of beer, a shot glas and a bottle of absolute vodka...then as the night went on...we sang a few song, exchanged a few jokes, laughed a lot.. and before i knew it...i was heading to the toilet to spill my breakfast, lunch and the vodka out...until nothing else can come out...Yuck!! what happened to my "general" anethesia theory ? (i had tons of theory which i call "nasusulat" one of them was that its hard for people who were once operated and injected with general anesthesia to get drunk.....i also have a "sex in the workplace" theory but thats another topic ill post about it some other time..har har.:))

the rest of the night happened in a blur...i can hear voices, and people singing and laughing (maybe they're laughing about me..who cares??? intoxicated people dont really care about these things)...i was dizzy as hell, my throat hurts, i cant barely keep my eyes open... wondering when i have to go to the bathroom again to do another round of puking.....

so whats the moral lesson of the story? "ill never drink a drop of alcohol as long as i live" --- nahh...maybe for the next 2 weeks...but after that who knows? LOL!

leah ipost mo na yung mga nasusulat mo masaya yun!!! include the itataas yung paa at hahawak sa blue sa riles ng tren! =)
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